Monday, May 16, 2011

Let's Get It Started!

A couple of people have told me that I have a "book in me".  Their theory, I guess, is that given all I have been through and not only survived, but grew from would be a great story others would like to know.  I don't know about all that, but I will say I have always wanted to be a writer.  Just not really sure how to get started.  So, I thought I'd start up a new blog to hopefully get the creative juices flowing and see where it might lead. 

I will agree that I have been through a lot, some things I will share, some I may not, but I don't regret my life at all.  I wouldn't be where I am today without all the experiences I have had.  I know we like to think we can learn from the good as much as the bad, but really - we don't.  When life is good, we just sail through every door without a passing glance at what we were standing next to moments before.  So, whenever I have had to deal with depression or difficult things - in the back of my mind I still know that something good is going to come from the situation - just have to give it time.  And yes, I still need reminding of that every now and then. 

A little superficial info about me...I'm 42 years old, married, stepmom to a 9-year-old and mom to an 18-month-old -- both boys.  I've been married 3 1/2 years.  I was born, raised and always lived in Texas and in a few months will sadly be leaving due to my husband's new job.  However, I will continue to have high hopes that we'll end up back in Texas. 

So, won't go into much else for this first post.  Just wanted to get something out there and say hi.  I am going to try to be as open and honest as I can and I welcome any and all comments.  (Just remember I'm a Cancer and a bit sensitive - ha, ha!)

See ya'll later!

Ms. T

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