Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Music vs. Lyrics

I love music - all types.  Well, except opera (way too dramatic for me and I usually end up getting the giggles).  And I'm sure most people do like a lot of varieties.  My question, though is - do you like the music or the lyrics better?  Obviously, there are a ton of songs out there that blend the lyrics and music so perfectly that you cannot choose, but generally speaking, which do you listen to more intently?

Although I was a band geek growing up and I love to climb into the notes of a beautiful song, I'd have to say I'm really more of a lyrics girl, myself.  I'm not sure why.  Maybe because I used to write poetry, maybe because I love to read - who knows?  But there is something so amazing about someone putting pen to paper and writing simple words that can hurt you, sock you in the gut, make you cry, make you laugh, bring up your favorite memories, etc. 

I love the written word and when someone writes something that makes me feel, and I'm able to relate to it as if it actually came from me - it always surprises and fascinates me.  But sometimes it takes something being said a very specific way for it to really hit me.  Think about when you have a problem and go to your friends for advice.  They could all give you the same advice on what to do, but a lot of times there is only one person who says it in just a way that it makes complete sense to you - makes you think "Aha!"  The Bible is another example.  I grew up in a strong Christian home.  My parents gave me a King James Bible when I was a child and I used it for years.  I loved listening to all the history and what happened, I memorized my verses for Sunday school, but did NOT like reading my Bible.  Then they gave me the NIV addition and a whole new world opened up and I was able to have a clearer picture and understanding.  All of a sudden, the lessons actually applied to my day-to-day life and I loved it.

That's how the lyrics of a song can affect me.  It can be random subjects, too.  I mean, obviously there are love songs that fit certain times in your life, sad songs, sexy song, etc.  But then there are songs like "American Pie" - even if you don't know what it's really about - I've never met anyone who doesn't love that song and the way it was written.  There are a lot of song lyrics I love - lots!  But one of my favorites are the lyrics to "Hook" by Blues Traveler.  At the time it came out (1994), bubble gum pop was pretty much all you could hear on the radio.  One day I was listening to the CD and a line caught my attention, so I listened to the song again and again and just fell in LOVE with it.  Not only does it "stick it" to the pop music of the time, but fights against it as well - stands up to it while at the same time shows an understanding that there is a sacrifice that comes with it and how to get around it.   

If you aren't familiar with the song, I wrote the lyrics below.  But I highly recommend you listen to it either for the first time or again, because this is one where the music actually makes the lyrics even more mesmerizing!


It doesn't matter what I say
So long as I sing with inflection
That makes you feel that I'll convey
Some inner truth of vast reflection

But I've said nothing so far
And I can keep it up as long as it takes
And it don't matter who you are
If I'm doing my job, it's your resolve that breaks

Because the hook brings you back
On that you can rely

There is something amiss
I am being insincere
In fact I don't mean any of this
Still my confession draws you near
To confuse the issue I refer
To familiar heroes from long ago
No matter how much Peter loved her
What made the Pan refuse to grow?
Was that the hook brings you back
I ain't telling you no lie

The hook brings you back
On that you can rely

Suck it in, suck it in, suck it in
If you're Rin Tin Tin or Anne Boleyn
Make a desperate move or else you'll win
And then begin to see
What you're doing to me this MTV is not for free
It's so PC it's killing me

So desperately I sing to thee of love
Sure but also rage and hate and pain and fear of self
And I can't keep these feelings on the shelf
I tried, well no in fact I lied

Could be financial suicide but I've got too much pride inside
To hide or slide
I'll do as I'll decide and let it ride until I've died
And only then shall I abide this tide
Of catchy little tunes
Of hip three minute ditties

I wanna bust all your balloons
I wanna burn all of your cities to the ground
I've found I will not mess around
Unless I play, then hey
I will go on all day, hear what I say

I have a prayer to pray
That's really all this was
And I'm feeling stuck and need a buck
I don't rely on luck because
The hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie

The hook...
On that you can rely


  1. I love your blog, you do write really well and it's fun to read! I'm definitely a lyric girl, however I do like a good tune just for the sake of how it sounds sometimes. Brian is more of a music person, doesn't pay attention to the lyrics much. Maybe it's a male/female thing? Females probably concentrate more on the lyric/emotion/feeling of a song.
    I do know though that one of the most visited websites regarding music are the lyric websites. Good question though! :)

  2. testing...test....one. two. three.

  3. yay!!!
    OK, back to my original comment!!! Miss you, chica!
    I am a lyrics girl. I like to get lost in a song...listening to the words. My friends laugh at my "jogging mix" on my ipod. Most people have up-beat, boom boom workout music. Not me. :) I like songs that help me forget about the jogging part! haha. My jogging mix has some U2, O.A.R., Psychedelic Furs, O.M.D. and Matisyahu. Random mix!!!
    FUN blog, girl!

  4. Hey girl - thanks for reading and commenting. I miss you, too!! I keep saying I want to do a "tour" of Texas once I have to drive up to SC. If I do - you guys need to come up to Houston or Austin so I can see you!!

    A suggestion for your iPod. There is a Christian duo (father and son) called Aaron Jefforey. The have a song called "He Is". It would be great for your jog. It starts off soft and a little slow and it just builds and builds and builds! By the time the song is over you'll feel like you're soaring! See if you can download it and if you do - let me know what you think. :-)
