Thursday, May 26, 2011

What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

Wow - sorry it has taken me so long to get back on here.  I'm not sure where the week has gone!  But a promise is a promise and so in order to NOT procrastinate on this any longer, I'm going to procrastinate on packing instead and take some time to talk here.

What did I want to be when I grew up?  And am I there yet?  Well, that's a little hard to answer.  I mean, obviously as a kid, I changed my mind a lot.  For example, I remember wanting to be a teacher, but mainly because they always got to cut in line at lunch and get their food first.  :-)  My grandmother wanted me to be a veterinarian because I loved her dogs so much.  But I really think the one thing that I knew I wanted was to be a mom.  More than that, really, I knew I wanted a family.  Life doesn't always happen the way we plan it though, so instead of me getting married right out of college and becoming a mom, I went to work.  I remember having a talk with myself and saying, "Okay, the fact is, there is no one even remotely in the picture right now, so its time to do something with your degree and get a real job!"  So, I took my English/Psychology degree and got a job in Human Resources.  And surprisingly, it was a good fit for me.  Its funny, about six months after I got the job, my aunt asked me what I thought of it - if I liked it?  I told her, "I get to be nosy and tell people what to do.  It's the perfect job for me!"  Ha!

So even though HR had not been a life long dream, I worked very hard at it and found my ambitious streak and climbed the "corporate latter", so to speak.  And really, like with any job - there were plusses and minuses to it.  But even though I was growing in my career, I could still feel it wasn't truly what I wanted to do. 

Eventually, I did get married and became a mom.  And it is definitely true what they say - it is the hardest, most rewarding job I've ever had.  But I can't help but feel there is still something out there that is my passion, I just can't put my finger on it.  I remember everyone always saying - find something you love to do and make a living at it, then you'll never work a day in your life.  So, hmmmm, as I said in my first post of this blog - I've always wanted to be a writer - so maybe that is it.  Only time will tell.  I do know that that desire has never gone away. 

I remember watching Paula Poundstone one time and she was talking to a young college girl in the audience about what she was studying and what she wanted to do with her life and the girl didn't know.  Paula said, "Don't worry about it.  No one does.  That's why you always hear adults asking children what they want to be when they grow up - because they're looking for ideas!" 

So I'm working on this blog and I've talked to a friend about collaborating on a book sometime in the future, so I'll keep working on these things and hopefully feel the passion grow.  I know it has been since I started this.

So what about you guys?  Did your childhood dreams match up to what you are doing now?  Are you even close?  Tell me a little bit about it - I'm interested in how we get where we are - this time I'm specifically talking about job/careers.  So, send me some feedback!!!   


  1. Well, first, you stole stuff from my last comment :)

    Growing up I wanted to do many different things. First up was meteorologist -- why? I'm not sure but someone has to tell people what is happening in their neighborhoods. After that, being a lawyer was up. Not sure what happened to that but it still crosses my mind every once and a while. When I entered college, I thought I wanted to be a corporate accountant CPA type. That was until I took my first accounting class. Holy crap.

    Then as I decided that wasn't for me...I was already in business school and was a float for a while that was until I met Mr. Eason. He was the resident HR professor at UTEP. He had such a passion for that profession, had real world experience and was a wonderful person. That was it; I decided that was for me. I got really involved in HR and the student chapter of SHRM. I got my PHR when I graduated (the only student to do so) and ended up SHRM member of the year.

    I started my internship in HR and eventually got my dream job. I absolutely loved it and still miss it. I only left because of the world's absolute worst co-worker. Don't get me wrong, my job now isn't bad. I enjoy it most days and I think I'm pretty good at it but I'm not sure it is what I was "meant" to do if that makes sense.

    Nothing beats being a mom.

  2. I still think you should get back into HR. Maybe at a different company... :-)
